SanSan Messaging Grid in play

Easily refer to cards. Let people know what you're talking about.

SanSan Messaging Grid brings card stats, text and even a thumbnail directly to your Slack channel. Custom emoji and coloured attachments keep the experience consistent with NetrunnerDB.

Cyberfeeder and Eli viewed on Slack.

View decklists, directly in Slack. Easily pull that deck you played earlier into your discussion.

SanSan Messaging Grid is fully aware of the NAPD Most Wanted List, and can calculate the influence cost of Alliance cards in decklists.

Decklist being displayed on Slack

Make inline card searches. No need to interrupt the conversation.

SanSan Messaging Grid has a list of built in shorthands, and can even match acronyms automagically.

Example of a question about 2 cards with the cards being displayed

Works on mobile*. Slack mobile clients let you take your card stats on the road.

SanSan Messaging Grid uses a fuzzy text matching algorithm to search, so if your thumb mashes the wrong key, or you can't remember how to spell Sahasara Sahasrara, don't sweat it.

Adam: Compulsive Hacker being viewed on mobile.