SanSan Messaging Grid

Upgrade: Region • Rez: 0 • Trash: 0 • Influence: 0

During conversations on this server, a user may request card or decklist information which will be presented in a beautiful manner consistent with netrunnerdb.

: Access this upgrade's usage tutorial.

: Install this upgrade in the root of HQ.

What is SanSan Messaging Grid?

SanSan Messaging Grid is a Node.js server that responds to Slack API queries with beautifully formatted Android: Netrunner card information.

What can it do?

SanSan Messaging Grid can serve Android: Netrunner cards and decklists to Slack channels. Both include stats from the NAPD Most Wanted List, and decklists are capable of handling the influence of all Alliance cards up to Ibrahim Salem.

Check out the gallery for a preview of how it looks.

How does it work?

On launch, the entire Netrunner card database is fetched using the netrunnerdb API and indexed using a fuzzy search algorithm to be queried at anytime.

Check out the full API documentation here

How do I use it?

SanSan Messaging Grid responds to slash-commands /nrdb, /deck, triggers nrdb:, deck:, and card names embedded within messages in square brackets [card-name]. The commands given above are just suggestions, they may be configured by the administrator of your Slack channel.

Read the full user tutorial here.

How can I add it to my Slack channel?

To integrate SanSan Messaging Grid with your own Slack channel, you will need to host the server somewhere. As much as I would like to host a single instance for community use, server pricing makes that infeasible. Setting up your own Heroku instance is as easy as making an account, cloning from GitHub and pushing to your Heroku container.

Read the full administrator tutorial here.